Dana Large Cap Equity

As of: August 29, 2018

Dana Large Cap Equity Fund

Dana Investment Advisors was built on the belief that adhering to a defined investment process allows our professionals to focus on the fundamentals of consistent outperformance through security selection.


Long-term growth of capital, met through exposure to large-cap stocks while mitigating volatility through a disciplined, risk-controlled, relative value investment process.


Large capitalization stocks that trade at a discount and where the Adviser believes there is above average future growth potential for earnings. Using an approach of quantitative modeling and fundamental research employed by Dana Investment Advisors in institutional products since 1999, the advisor selects securities for the portfolio to generate alpha over the long-term.


The Large Cap Equity Fund holds a diversified portfolio of approximately 50 to 55 U.S. large cap stocks. Risk controls are implemented throughout the portfolio construction process, and we look to add value with disciplined fundamental stock selection. The Fund includes a blend of characteristics designed to perform well in up, down, growth, or value markets.

  • Director of Equities & Portfolio Manager

    Duane Roberts, CFA

  • Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager

    David Stamm, CFA

  • Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager

    Greg Dahlman, CFA

The Dana Funds are available in a number of account types.
Please contact us to learn more.